Brace yourself for some scary Halloween fun at EVOLVEkids, the premier gymnastics, tumbling, and cheerleading facility in Morris, IL. Well perhaps not TOO SCARY, but rest assured it will be a VERY FUN night for all the boys & girls, age 6 and up, who attend the Halloween Lock In at EVOLVEkids on Saturday, October 26th, 2019.
On the agenda, we have:
Halloween Costume Contest
Gymnastics & Tumbling Open Gym
Organized Games & Activities
Halloween Movies On Our JUMBO Screen
Snacks & Refreshments
And we offer 2 options for how your child/children can attend:
Overnight Halloween Lock In For those children who want the full lock in experience (and those parents who want a COMPLETE night to themselves) we offer the overnight lock in. You drop off your children at 7PM and come back in the morning to pick them up at 8:30AM.
The cost for the Overnight Halloween Lock In is $35 for the 1st child and $30 for each additional sibling.
Partial Halloween Lock In The Partial Halloween Lock In is ideal for younger children who want to experience all the fun of a lock in, but also want to spend the night at home. You drop off your children at 7PM, but come back to get them at 11PM.
The cost for the Partial Halloween Lock In is $25 for the 1st child and $20 for each additional sibling.